Solar Cells

Solar Cells

Solar-cells are photo-voltaic diodes which are used to convert the sunlight falling upon them directly into electricity. These cells are developed using silicon-chips as a major semiconductor for electricity conversion as its most abundant on earth. But due to lesser availability of high quality silicon, the cost of solar panels is very high in domestic and commercial usage.

Solar cells were initially developed to power up spacecrafts and satellites over the conventional solid and liquid fuel system to perform for longer periods in outer-space. And due to regular research on solar cells to increase their efficiency, soon they became a major part in our houses. Today solar cells are a major source of green energy.

Although scientists have achieved an efficiency of 46% in laboratory in controlled conditions, but the domestic and commercially used panels are having an efficiency of 20-25% only. This is very low considering the amount of energy falling on earth’s surface which concludes that if we harness all the solar energy, then there is no other requirement for fuel.

To maximize the energy conversion either we can install more solar panels which are having a limitation of surface area or we can search for substitutes of silicon-based solar panels which may have higher efficiency.

Solar Cells are the future of green and sustainable energy. So we should study and develop much more competent solar cells as the way is much longer.
