Cold-pressed Oils: The New Skincare Trend

Cold-pressed oils have created a new position in the market with their increased demand demand in cooking and healthcare . They are taking away the market of refined oils and proving to be an effective measure for better health .

Cold-pressed oils are produced by processing oilseeds under high speeds and at great pressure so that they can extract oil . The oil yield is less compared to refined oils but it is richer in nutritive values . The natural preservatives and antioxidants present in seeds are not destroyed and help in overall skin nourishment .

These oils are not exposed to heat so all the antioxidants are intact. These antioxidants improve our immune system and energize our body. They open our dead skin pores and rejuvenate our body . The flavor and fragrance of these oils make them a perfect companion for our diet . They tone our skin texture and are also helpful in removing acne and scars . They minimize dark spots and have anti-ageing properties .

These oils are expensive then conventional oils . But they should not be used for deep frying and made to open flame else they will lose their anti-oxidants and nutrients and become not fit for consumption .
